Thursday, August 1, 2013

Why can't boyfriends leave me alone

Today my boyfriend called me on Skype (I don't give out my Skype name only to cute guys) when I was sleeping it was 7:30 or so and I was laying on my stomach and fast asleep and I hear the ringtone for Skype and so I wake up almost fall off my bed and then I answer it and he said "favor time " and that went on for about an hour .....hour later. Well probably 10 20 minutes ago I asked him if he could leave me alone cause I'm not feeling to good and u know what he said "nope " I'm like what the fuck ! And I say thanks to u i can't go back to sleep (because I have to watch my dog and he didnt ask why ) and so I'm trying to sleep and he won't leave me alone !!!!!!! It's like girls need there sleep so this is what u do u either put ur sound on silent or just ignore them and go on with our lives cause sometimes guys can b to pushy and stuff. Well I'm gonna try and get some sleep probably not possible but ill try . Summer love out <3 peace

Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Liers/boyfriends / kik me

Don't u hate it when ppl lie to u it's just like if u don't want to tell me of hurt my feelings either don't tell me or just say it nice and calm cause that's what I hate most liers ! Also promise breakers ! Oh ya like today me and my boyfriend were talking on the phone and he asked me to do a "favor" ya those "favors" aren't real ! So yesterday he said "i promise not to ask u again for any more favors " and he just broke his promise ! It's like now ur lying to me , BREAKING PROMISES! It's like I can dump u if I want but no I love him to much to ! And he doesn't believe I love him ! It's like it I haven't loved u while the time we were dating then why wouldnt have said "yes" . Also don't let ur boyfriend treat u like crap I had that happen before at my school ! I got shoved into a locker ! And I bet when he said my "ex boyfriend texted him" is all a lie cause he's been lying to me for a while ! If u want to kik me it's : cookiemonster055  and u won't cuss me out kik me well that's all I have to say for now peace out ! LOVE YA !!!!! <3 <3

what is summer ?

Summer what is the real meaning of it ? I like to think of summer as.... hot weather! Sleepovers with your best friends !!!! Parties!!!!!! And the most fun of all ...... SCHOOLS OUT!!!!!!!!!!!! Ya ! But the sad thing is summer vacation is coming to the end of its days. Sadness :( . But sometimes it`s good to go back to school cause u get to c ur new and old friends :D! Well thats it for me...... FOR NOW!
                                                           BYE TYPE LATER
                                                           SUMMER LOVE
